Tuesday, October 5

Ralph Ellison "In a Strange Country"

First, general background information about the United States in the 1940s, when this was written. Here is a wonderful online project from the Library of Congress, called African American Odyssey, that has lots of information and illustrations. For more on Ellison, see the New York Times Ellison page (registration required but it's free).

Some thoughts on the story "In a Strange Country" for our next class. How does the story describe Wales and being Welsh, through the eyes of the American soldier Parker? What does being "American" mean to him and to the different characters in the story and why? What does the ending of the story mean? How do you interpret the story's title?

When people travel, they carry with them their own ways of understanding the world and social relationships. Even when Parker goes to Wales, he and the other American soldiers are, in a way, still in a kind of "American" place, in that they bring with them the dominant American social, particularly racial, values of their time, the 1940s. On the other hand, people are constantly in the process of changing or developing their sense of identity in relation to others; how do you see that happening with Parker?

The geographer Doreen Massey writes that "one way of thinking about place is as particular moments in ... intersecting social relations, nets of which have over time been constructed, laid down, interacted with one another, decayed and renewed. Some of these relations will be, as it were, contained within the place; others will stretch beyond it, tying any particular locality into the wider relations and processes in which other places are implicated too" (Space, Place and Gender 120). How does this definition of "place" connect to the story?

UPDATE: The song in the story is "The Star-Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States. You can read the lyrics here; usually only the first verse is sung.


At October 18, 2004 at 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what`s happening to mr.parker is not difficul to understand.
there are many people in many country have the same problem in this world. mr.parker is just one of them. and i`m also one of them.
when i`m here now as international student, my nationality raise just because i don`t want to be not belongs to anything.
i want to be known as someone`s in this case belongs as one country`s. we were being discrimnaterd in our country.so i really feel glad being here, far away from my country. but one of my reason for being relieved is in place far away from my country like this i can say what nationality i am, without afraid being discriminated and rejected. i think that`s why mr. parker feel relieved. he finnaly feel he belongs to something, eventhough it`s something treat him bad. and he realize it, after she go far away from home.

At March 20, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok can some one proof read what they put on here next time because you sound kind of slow when you write like that

At October 30, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read it, the person states that they are from a different country. It could be possible that English is not their first language. Talk about acceptance, geesh.


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